YouTube Is Back or is it?

More news that YouTube is back to normal in Turkey. BiaNet is also reporting that is also unblocked by a Court in Turkey. I can confirm that dailymotion is now (26.08.2008 1545 GMT) is accessible in Turkey but access to is still blocked at DNS level.


YouTube Is Back: “YouTube and Dailymotion are accessible again. Youtube was closed for three months and Dailymotion was banned since the beginning of August. Last week many internet sites protested this internet censorship.”

Bia news center – İstanbul, 25-08-2008

YouTube, the biggest video sharing site in the Internet, which was banned by the decision of Ankara’s 1st Criminal Court of Peace on May 5, is accessible again. However, the site will not be available before tomorrow because of the updates.

Likewise, the site of Dailymotion, which was banned in the beginning of August, has just become accessible, too.

Both sites were shut down because of having videos that were found offensive to the memory of Atatürk, the founder of the Turkish Republic.

WordPress, geocities, Indymedia Istanbul, Gündem, Fırat News Agency (ANF), Ekşi Sözlük, and many other internet sites have been banned either temporarily or permanently.

Last week many internet sites, including bianet, protested the internet censorship by darkening their sites voluntarily. (EÜ/EZÖ/TB)

(Via Latest Bianet/English News.)