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300 Web Sites join the Turkish anti-censorship campaign protest access ban

Web Sites protest access ban: “A campaign has been initiated by elmaaltshift.com to protest a ban on accessing certain Web sites in Turkey. More than 300 Web sites — some of which are among the most popular sites in the country, including the English-Turkish dictionary zargan.com and sinema.com — are supporting the campaign.” (Via Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish…

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Access? What the heck for?

Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish news: “Access? What the heck for? By YAVUZ BAYDAR, 20.06.2008 These days, wherever you turn, you face the judiciary. In a restless, expanding and opening ‘young’ Turkey, sadly mismanaged, the only way to regain some form of old-fashioned control goes either through loopholes or ambiguous formulations in law and misinterpretations thereof by the judiciary….

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Long-standing YouTube ban lifted in Turkey only for several hours

Long-standing YouTube ban lifted only for several hours: “Long-standing YouTube ban lifted only for several hours” A court order blocking access to popular video-sharing Web site YouTube that has been in place for one-and-a-half months was rescinded on Tuesday night; however, the Web site remained open only for several hours as it was banned again around 10 a.m. Wednesday morning.

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Growing Internet Censorship in Turkey

GROWING INTERNET CENSORSHIP IN TURKEY – Eurasia Daily Monitor By Gareth Jenkins, Thursday, June 19, 2008 On June 18 and 19 Turkish lawyers, academics and Internet professionals met in the mountain resort of Abant in the Bolu mountains of northwest Turkey to discuss the increasing censorship of the Internet in Turkey through the use of court orders to block access…

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MedyaKronik: YouTube’a erişim yakında sağlanabilir

MedyaKronik | YouTube’a erişim yakında sağlanabilir: “4/06/08 – 20:11 AA Atatürk’e hakaret içeren videolar yayınlandığı için, çeşitli mahkemelerce erişim yasağı konulan video paylaşım sitesi youtube yetkilileri bir açıklama yaparak, Türkiye’deki kullanıcıların erişimini sağlayabilmek için çalışmalar yaptıklarını duyurdu. Kapatma kararlarına neden olan videoların incelendiği belirtilen açıklamada, ‘Türkiye’de en kısa sürede erişimin tekrar sağlanmasını bekliyoruz. YouTube olarak Türk kanunlarına aykırı içeriğe ilişkin…

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YouTube süresiz kapatılabilir

YouTube süresiz kapatılabilir: “Ankara Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı, YouTube’da yayımlanan Atatürk’e hakaret içeren videolar için dünya genelinde erişim yasağı talep ediyor. Savcılık kaynakları, sitenin Türkiye’de resmi temsilcilik kurmaması halinde kapatma kararının süreceğini söylüyor.” (Via NTVMSNBC.)

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Turkey one of 13 to ban YouTube

Turkish Press Scanner – Turkish Daily News May 27, 2008: ” Turkey one of 13 to ban YouTube – Vatan Google and Reporters Without Borders, or RWB, have responded to court decisions that ban access to YouTube in Turkey, daily Vatan reported yesterday. YouTube has only been banned in 13 countries around the globe and they are Brazil, Indonesia, Armenia,…