Articles by admin

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The Register Turkish court bans Dawkins’ website

Turkish court bans Dawkins’ website Squawking over Dawkins Comment Once upon a time, it took a Pope or a Stalinist dictator like, um, Stalin to have scientific discourse banned by decree. Nowadays, however, it merely takes a large and influential publishing house, and the agreement of Turkey’s criminal court of peace.… By John Ozimek, Posted in Law, 22nd September 2008…

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Dawkins’ Turkish edition of The Ancestor’s Tale sells out within a day!

Turkish edition of The Ancestor’s Tale sells out within a day! (From Oxford University professor and advocate of evolution theory, the author of The God Delusion which drew great attention – even illegal copies had been distributed all over- and the publisher has been sued and acquitted in Turkey Prof. Richard Dawkins’ last book released and sold out in…

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Richard Dawkins’in sitesine erişimin engellenmesine neden olan yazı

‘[UPDATED] Venomous Snakes, Slippery Eels and Harun Yahya’ by Richard Dawkins – “Venomous Snakes, Slippery Eels and Harun Yahya by Richard Dawkins In 2006, I was one of tens of thousands of academic scientists all around the world who received, unsolicited and completely free, a huge and lavishly illustrated book called Atlas of Creation by the Turkish Muslim apologist…

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Youtube İngilizleri kıramadı – Hürriyet

Youtube İngilizleri kıramadı – Hürriyet Youtube İngilizleri kıramadı, 19.09.2008 Türkiye’de Atatürk’e ve Türklüğe hakaret içeren videolar barındırdığı ve kaldırmadığı için Youtube hala erişime kapalı. Fakat, aynı Youtube İngiliz yetkililerin ”şiddet içeren video görüntülerinin kaldırılması” isteğini hemen yerine getirdi. Geçtiğimiz günlerde YouTube, İngiltere’nin hassasiyetlerini göz önünde bulundurarak şiddet içerikli bazı videoların engellendiğini açıkladı. YouTube’un İngiltere’de böyle bir yasaklamaya gitmesinin ana…

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Evolutionist Dawkins’ Internet Site Banned In Turkey

Evolutionist Dawkins’ Internet Site Banned In Turkey: “Turkish court has banned the access to world famous evolutionist Prof. Richard Dawkins’ internet site upon complaint by creationist Adnan Oktar on the grounds that the site contained insulting remarks about Oktar’s book ‘Atlas of Creation’.” (Via Latest Bianet/English News.)