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YouTube Is Back or is it?

More news that YouTube is back to normal in Turkey. BiaNet is also reporting that dailymotion.com is also unblocked by a Court in Turkey. I can confirm that dailymotion is now (26.08.2008 1545 GMT) is accessible in Turkey but access to youtube.com is still blocked at DNS level. YouTube Is Back: “YouTube and Dailymotion are accessible again. Youtube was closed…

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FT.com: Turkish bloggers censure the censors

FT.com / World – Turkish bloggers censure the censors: “Turkish bloggers censure the censors ByAlex Barker in Ankara and Andrew Edgecliffe-Johnson in New York Published: August 22 2008 17:03 | Last updated: August 22 2008 17:03 Turkish bloggers are closing their websites to protest against courts banning dozens of mainstream sites for carrying content deemed ‘immoral’ or insulting to Turkey’s…

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300 Web Sites join the Turkish anti-censorship campaign protest access ban

Web Sites protest access ban: “A campaign has been initiated by elmaaltshift.com to protest a ban on accessing certain Web sites in Turkey. More than 300 Web sites — some of which are among the most popular sites in the country, including the English-Turkish dictionary zargan.com and sinema.com — are supporting the campaign.” (Via Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish…

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Türkiye YouTube’a erişemiyor

Türkiye YouTube’a erişemiyor: “Türkiye YouTube’a erişemiyor Kapatma kararının üzerinden 1,5 ay geçmesine rağmen sorunun çözümü için YouTube yetkilileriyle Türk yetkililer bir türlü bir araya gelemeyince arabulucu formülü gündeme geldi.” YASEMİN ARPA, NTV-MSNBC Güncelleme: 14:49 ET 20 Haziran 2008 Cuma İSTANBUL – Abant Zirvesi’nde bir araya gelen yaklaşık 60 kişi, internet sitelerinin erişime kapatılmasıyla ilgili sorunları iki gün boyunca 68 başlık…

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Bianet: Zararlı İçerikle Mücadelede “İnternet Gönüllüleri” Devri

Biane: Zararlı İçerikle Mücadelede “İnternet Gönüllüleri” Devri: “Zararlı İçerikle Mücadelede ‘İnternet Gönüllüleri’ Devri Bolu, Abant’ta yapılan toplantıda zararlı içeriğe sahip sitelerle mücadele için İnternet polisi ya da mahkeme yerine ‘İnternet Gönüllüleri İnisiyatifi’ oluşturulmasına karar verildi. Istanbul – BİA Haber Merkezi, 20 Haziran 2008, Cuma Tüm dünyada milyonlarca kişi tarafından takip edilen video paylaşım sitesi YouTube’un ‘zararlı içerik’ gerekçesiyle sık sık…

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Objectionable Atatürk Videos Keep YouTube Inaccessible

Objectionable Atatürk Videos Keep YouTube Inaccessible: “Turkey is not one of hostile countries to the internet, but it has kept YouTube, the biggest video sharing site, inaccessible for two months because of insulting videos to Atatürk. The prosecutor says it is not enough to remove them from the Turkish database.” (Via Latest Bianet/English News.)

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Access? What the heck for?

Today’s Zaman, your gateway to Turkish news: “Access? What the heck for? By YAVUZ BAYDAR, 20.06.2008 These days, wherever you turn, you face the judiciary. In a restless, expanding and opening ‘young’ Turkey, sadly mismanaged, the only way to regain some form of old-fashioned control goes either through loopholes or ambiguous formulations in law and misinterpretations thereof by the judiciary….