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La plate-forme Blogger bloquée en Turquie – LeMonde.fr

La plate-forme Blogger bloquée en Turquie – LeMonde.fr LEMONDE.FR | 04.03.11 | 11h10 • Mis à jour le 04.03.11 | 11h13 ‘Blogger, dernière victime en date d’un blocage sur Internet en Turquie’, titre Hürriyet. La justice a en effet décidé d’interdire l’accès à la plate-forme de blogs Blogger, propriété de Google, rapporte la presse, mercredi 2 mars. ‘Cette interdiction devrait…

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Live football streaming piracy seems to be the cause of access blocking to blogger.com in Turkey

I reported on Friday, 24 October, 2008 that access to Blogger.com and blogspot.com were blocked in Turkey. with a blocking order of the Diyarbakir First Criminal Court of Peace (dated 20.10.2008 and order no. 2008/2761). It is now being reported by Turk.internet.com that the blocking order is related to an intellectual property infringement. Digitürk is a subscription based digital TV…