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Long-standing YouTube ban lifted in Turkey only for several hours

Long-standing YouTube ban lifted only for several hours: “Long-standing YouTube ban lifted only for several hours” A court order blocking access to popular video-sharing Web site YouTube that has been in place for one-and-a-half months was rescinded on Tuesday night; however, the Web site remained open only for several hours as it was banned again around 10 a.m. Wednesday morning.

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Growing Internet Censorship in Turkey

GROWING INTERNET CENSORSHIP IN TURKEY – Eurasia Daily Monitor By Gareth Jenkins, Thursday, June 19, 2008 On June 18 and 19 Turkish lawyers, academics and Internet professionals met in the mountain resort of Abant in the Bolu mountains of northwest Turkey to discuss the increasing censorship of the Internet in Turkey through the use of court orders to block access…

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Türkler, Yotube yasağını deliyor

Türkler, Yotube yasağını deliyor: “Dünyanın en büyük ve en popüler görüntü paylaşım sitesi YouTube’a, 5 Mayıs’tan bu yana yasaklı olmasına rağmen Türkiye’den her gün 1.5 milyona yakın kullanıcının girdiği ortaya çıktı.” (Via CNN TÜRK.)

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Radikal: Mahkeme kararıyla polis devleti

Radikal İnternet:Mahkeme kararıyla polis devleti 03/06/2008 Bir mahkeme kararı dayanak gösterilerek tüm Türkiye’nin ‘potansiyel suçlu’ gibi dinlenebilmesi, hukuk dünyasında sert tepki gördü. İSTANBUL – Ankara’da 11. Ağır Ceza Mahkemesi’nin verdiği karara dayanarak tüm Türkiye’nin ‘dinleme kapması altına alınması’ hukukçulardan sert tepki gördü. Hukuk uzmanları, suçun türü ne olursa olsun tüm ülkenin ‘zan’ altına sokulmasının, suçu önlemek adına temel haklardan olan…

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Electronic surveillance needs stricter control

Electronic surveillance needs stricter control – Turkish Daily News May 30, 2008 Claims by the secretary general of the main opposition party that his office was bugged by security officials, who he says later leaked the information they acquired to Islamic daily Vakit, has raised questions about the technical and institutional controls on electronic surveillance. Turkey is no stranger to…

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Swords crossed on illegal tapping controversy

Swords crossed on illegal tapping controversy – Turkish Daily News May 31, 2008 The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) launches a counter attack against opposition leader Deniz Baykal, who accused the government of leaking a private conversation of his party’s secretary general to the press and of systematically using state power to oppress opponents. The CHP demands the creation…